Archive: What Can and Cannot Be Composted in NYC
Originally published 2017/06/20
The word “organic” means anything relating to or derived from living matter. All organic material can be composted, but not always by the same process. Animal bones and wilted lettuce compost under the right conditions, but different microorganisms are needed to do the work, and will finish the task on different timelines. Because there are many different processes for breaking down organic material, different sites and haulers accept slightly varying materials. Typically, if you are dropping food scraps at a collection point in NYC the following items are not acceptable: meat, bones, fish, dairy, fats/oils, and Certified Compostable Products. If your organics are being collected curbside or by a private hauler, a wider variety of materials, included those just listed, are generally accepted.
Bonus points!
Be sure to remove all stickers and rubber bands from your vegetable and fruit scraps.
If you’re composting large items, such as a whole melon that got too ripe, chop it into pieces that are small enough to fit in your palm.
GrowNYC Greenmarket, Commuter Drop-Off, & Community Garden Programs
Fruit & vegetable scraps
Non-greasy foods, such as rice, pasta, bread, cereal, or grains
Coffee grounds & filters
Tea bags
Egg and Nut shells
Dried or cut flowers
House plants & potting soil *please do not compost plants that are diseased or infested with bugs
Not Acceptable:
Meat, Chicken or Fish
Bones or Shells
Fats or oils
Animal Waste
Litter or bedding
Coal or charcoal
Disease and/or insect-infested houseplants & soil
Certified compostable products (such as cups or utensils
NYC Curbside Collection
Fruit & vegetable scraps
Non-greasy foods, such as rice, pasta, bread, cereal, or grains
Coffee grounds & filters
Tea bags
Egg and Nut shells
Dried or cut flowers
House plants & potting soil
Meat, chicken, fish, bones & oily foods
Plate scraps
Soiled papers & napkins
Certified compostable products (such as cups or utensils)
Not Acceptable:
Animal Waste
Litter or bedding
Coal or charcoal
Disease and/or insect-infested houseplants & soil